Year-Round Shelter

An update on potential year-round operations at Safe Harbor

Dear Community,


This season Safe Harbor has made some significant changes to operations at the shelter.


These changes were part of a safety plan and requested by the city and community. We have reoriented the outside guest entrance line towards the south of the building, rather than the west, to discourage guests from congregating to the north and west of Safe Harbor property. The sidewalk entrance will be lined with fencing and cedar shrubbery.


Our hope is that a natural windbreak will be present to help keep more guests in line and await entrance into the shelter while on our property and off Wellington Street. To accomplish this, we have installed an additional sidewalk and installed cedars and fencing alongside to establish borders for the entrance line.


We also will be extending our daily morning closing by one hour to 9am. While we cannot force guests to remain in the shelter until closing time, we believe a majority will take advantage of being in a warm place for an additional hour. The later closing should be after any school bus pick up times in the immediate neighborhood.


The Traverse City Commission has also asked Safe Harbor to put together a plan to operate the shelter on a year-round basis. We are in the process of developing that plan and obtaining the proper approvals from the city. Safe Harbor is also meeting with community partners and stakeholders to develop a long-term plan for caring for the homeless in the region.

Thank you for your support.


Safe Harbor Board