How To Donate

Help Sponsor a Day

A $50 donation will help to cover the overhead to run our shelter program—including not only the utilities and facility upkeep, but the often unseen things like insurance and other operational expenses. Help Safe Harbor by supporting a day.

Sponsor a Bed

Each year, we host over 232 unique individuals from late November until mid April. A $250 donation will help Safe Harbor cover the costs for one of our 82 nightly shelter spots for an entire season.

Supporting Sponsor

$500 will help Safe Harbor with our general funding needs. It takes $130,000 to operate each season. Your gift will ensure that we are available as long as there is a need.

Donate to Safe Harbor

Safe Harbor is 100% volunteer operated. This means your donation goes directly to the shelter functions. Donations to Safe Harbor are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.